The Spaces Between
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Rhythmanalysis: An Introduction (viii)

The minutiae of everyday life.

A turn to Nietzsche and his writings on aesthetics in time.

Notion of rhythm as it informs a science, a new field of knowledge.

Rhythm wedded to time. Time falls into repetitions.

Towns, cities, countryside work in rhythm.
Moving through social timescales across spaces.
Rhythms of our bodies and society.
Things, dressage, artifice, objects, media, and politics have rhythms.
Such rhythms provide privileged insight.
Capitalised bodies as a push and pull.
The rhythms of push and pull responses.
The general and particular rhythms of life within time.
Full consciousness of the abstract in order to arrive at the concrete.
Lefebvre Rhythmanalysis #22

the game, consequently speculative
doubtless, inevitable technology

set up a lab, doubt time

accept work to modify perception and conception of time, emotions, concepts, senses [données]

representations, phases, recurrences
relation to interdisciplinary, spatial places

spaces listen to a symphony

meanings of time present here and there, tinged with melancholy

provoke fabricated presence of nature image

what it is
what it seeks to evoke


Lefebvre Rhythmanalysis #78 (with some shuffling between first and last lines)
Rhythm must be self exploring complex rhythms.
Rhythm moving on its trajectory.
Strong and weak, long and short, recurring stops, silences, blanks, resumptions and interval in movement.
Time can be repetitions, ruptures and resumptions: internal and external.
In a reciprocal action, superimpose rhythm to the complex (dialectical) relations on everything that emerges.
Exploring close vibrations with these combinations (pitch, frequency, vibration, low to high, intensities and tones).
Go outside but not completely
Sense the social rhythms of push and pull
Doubt time
Grasp the meanings of here and there, tinged with melancholy
Superimpose rhythm to these complex relations on everything that emerges
Play the game
Walk a path that is no longer there
Listen to the repetitions in emotions
Overlook noise, noises, murmurs of the lived
thinking-in movement I
thinking-in movement II